Professional Learning Programs and Supports


Action Research for Improving Teaching + Learning

Action research is a powerful process for supporting reflective practice.

Educators engaged in self-directed inquiry deepen understanding and learn to carefully examine classroom data about the impact of their practices. I support individuals and small teams interested in applying and studying best practices to impact student learning. My approach is practical and effectively demystifies the action research process.

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Assessment design + practices

The best assessment is indistinguishable from learning.

Professional learning programs focused on quality assessment practices help teachers to strengthen the connections between assessment and instruction.  I support teachers as they design performance tasks, develop criteria for quality , and embed formative feedback practices into their routines.

Video on Assessment

Feedback for learning

Teachers and students, together, can leverage the power of quality feedback.

Embedding quality feedback can be achieved with small cycles of action and collaboration. My work with educators in this area embeds modeling, collaborative design, classroom observations or peer visitation. Teachers improve the quality and timing of their feedback and learn to effectively engage students in using self and peer feedback for learning.

Curriculum design

Curriculum should center on relevant and meaningful experiences that enable student choice and voice. 

Building teacher capacity to design student-centered curriculum requires a commitment of time and support.  I guide teachers through a backwards-design process that prioritizes alignment to learning outcomes, authentic projects, high thinking demand, collaboration and quality formative assessment practices. These professional learning experiences also embed a cycle of implementation and revision based on an examination of student work.

Blended teaching + learning

Blending face-to-face instruction with online learning fosters promotes student independence and self-management.

Quality blended teaching is not a simply a matter of using technology. It requires designing quality curriculum and effectively weaving face-to-face and online instruction. Teachers in these programs design student-centered curriculum and select technology to leverage learning outcomes. They ultimately transform their understanding of what curriculum and instruction can look like.

Explore Virtual High School

Overview of the Learning Technology Grant

A Look at Blended Professional Development

questioning and discussion to promote thinking

Classroom talk is both a powerful learning experience and an effective formative assessment strategy.

Shifting ownership for quality discussion to students requires the effective use of protocols, carefully crafted questions, clear criteria and regular, formative feedback.  As I support teachers in this area, I model and observe as they embed new practices into their instruction.

ASCD Article on Deeper Discussions, releasing 4/23

Making Writing Authentic

Writers need choice, time, models and a community that embraces feedback and revision as essential.

My work with secondary teachers helps educators to provide developing writers with the processes and strategies that will allow them to grow as writers. I help teachers to model writing strategies aligned to the six traits of writing and to build students’ abilities to use feedback and revise. 

Dissertation Writing

Dissertation writing can be rewarding.

Need help writing and revising a dissertation? I will sit with you (face-to-face or virtually) to review, discuss and revise your work so that it meets requirements and is ready for your committee to review. I help writers to reconcile and use committee feedback to confidently revise and strengthen their work.  This coaching can help you to clarify your thinking, strengthen your writing and prepare for defense.