
“Working as a partner with Diane in the blended learning program at OC21 continues to be one of the most rewarding and powerful professional growth and reflective endeavors of my career. I have come to depend upon her expertise, curriculum design insights, and unique ability to cut to the quick of what really results in transformative practice with educators. Embrace the simple power of “Reflect and Jot!” with Diane and you’ll find your faculty empowered, treated with respect, and challenged to reach beyond current practices to embrace their own potential for providing rich, meaningful, and authentic learning for students.”

Randy Hall, Lower Hudson Regional Information Center 



“Diane is a rare professional developer who begins first with listening.   She understands the unique space that is every teacher’s classroom and every teacher’s dynamic with their students.  All growth must begin with the common understanding that springs from such listening.  I’ve been privileged to have my practice grow from the common understanding that Diane builds as she begins with radical witnessing.”

K. A. Keener , English Teacher, Writer, Horace Greeley High School; Chappaqua School District



“I have worked with Diane for the last 10 years designing three online courses for high school students.  Her mentorship and advice grounded me in how to design my courses to make them authentic and appealing to kids.  I have had a lot of professional development in my 18 years of teaching and I can truly say that not only has Diane's guidance saved me time and frustration in creating an online course, but it has also helped me rethink and redesign my "brick and mortar" course.  My students are thinking more deeply, doing more activities and having conversations that are more authentic.”

Travis Hayes, High school Social Studies Teacher, Lakeland School District



“Diane Cunningham designs high-quality professional learning programs that are personalized to her clients. As a co-worker, I have participated in Diane’s planning process and observed the thought and care that she gives to designing programs that are beneficial to the participants in content and application. A hallmark of Diane’s work is her ability to conference, provide feedback and offer guidance to help districts, administrators and individual teachers meet their goals. Diane’s long-standing school districts are evidence of the impact of her work on the teachers and students in their schools.”

Angela DiMichelle Lalor, Professional Learning Facilitator, Writer



“Being able to work with Dr. Cunningham is a deeply professionally-rewarding and enjoyable experience. When working with teachers, she is completely present with them and their individual learning needs. She models deep questioning, clear learning targets, and high expectations. When co-constructing professional development experiences with others, she operates from a place of open collaboration and brings her full self, including her rich expertise in research, technology, learning standards, and pedagogy. There is a special type of brain fatigue participants feel at the end of a session facilitated by Diane; it's a tired that comes from being seen, understood, pushed, and appreciated."

Jennifer Borgioli, President, Schoolmarm Advisors



“Thank you for such a positive experience. I was not sure what to expect when entering this PD, but certainly glad I took part in it. You allowed me the opportunity to develop a task that will make for a good end of the year project. The feedback will certainly help me fine-tune the task/final copy of an eventual assignment sheet. I also kept in mind what you said today about giving feedback to my students. Besides just saying good job on their work, I have been using the colon and adding more/being more specific. Thank you once again for a very positive and productive two sessions of PD."

anthony, high school teacher